Anarchist Residents Continue to Amaze

A thank you to John Middleton, Candy & John Anders, Wayne Kelley, Teresa Marty and Mark McKenney, for putting in a bit of “community time” today to do a major clean-up of wood waste and building materials dumped at the old Pendergraft Homestead property out at the end of Bull Moose.  As the pictures here show – with a little effort a lot can be accomplished in a short while. Thanks everyone!

Many residents may think that the land at the end of Bull Moose – through the cattle guard is Crown Land – but it isn’t.  It’s private property.  Anyone seeing any dumping happening or suspicious looking trucks with debris on them, please note the description of the truck and get a plate number if possible.

We have a Summit Centre clean-up planned for 10:30 – noon this Sunday, May 31. If you can lend a hand that would be nice.

Check out the before and after photos below…truly amazing!


Homestead dump 2


Homestead dump 1



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