AGM Follow-ups: Nick Marty’s presentation on Fortis’ RCR

As requested…

Nick Marty provided his presentation.  Click HERE to view it.

Mark McKenney sent the following e-mail to Linda Larson today:

Hello Linda,

You may recall joining us at our FireSmart Recognition day last summer. That program is continuing to move forward and is a big success in our community. Our community society has over 70 families as members in good standing, with another 15 – 20 families participating in our activities. All together that represents about 150 – 175 constituents, here on Anarchist Mountain, which is in your riding.

 Last night we had our Annual General Meeting, and the issue of Fortis electricity rates was discussed as a matter of concern amongst our residents. One of our residents is retired energy policy expert and who presented his analysis of how the Residential Conservation Rate (RCR) structure has been designed, and its impact on rural residents here in this riding.

I was asked as President of the Society to arrange a meeting with you and our residents here on Anarchist Mountain. Our residents want to inform you of our analysis of the RCR, and get your views on how this ineffective public policy can be reconsidered. In our view, this policy not only discriminates unfairly against rural residents but it does not meet the public policy objective of creating an incentive to conserve energy by all British Columbians, which is a significant goal of your Government. This meeting isn’t meant to ambush you, and will make our analysis available to you prior to the meeting, so you can understand our position on this.

Please let me know your available dates for a meeting with our residents.

 Mark McKenney, President
Anarchist Mountain Community Society
324 Grizzly Place
Osoyoos, BC , Canada
V0H 1V6