Anarchist Mountain Community Society

First Yard Refuse Collection in 2014 was a big success!

June 21st was the kick-off for the 2014 Yard Refuse Collection which turned out to be a huge success! Twelve loads of material were hauled in over a two hour period.

 See Pics below!

This is one of the projects managed by the FireSmart Committee to support the ongoing commitment to fire management. Some facts and messages from our Government around Fire Management:

 There are a few easy steps for home owners to follow:

  1. Use fire-resistant roofing and building materials.
  2. Thin trees and remove leaf litter, shrubs and branches from the area around your home
  3. Stack firewood and other flammable items at a distance from buildings
  4. Identify and secure hazardous materials
  5. Ensure fires are managed safely and obey all burning restrictions

The next refuse collection day will be July 19th.  A reminder will be posted on the website ahead of time.


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