Wildfires Are Here….Are you ready?

Here’s a note from Denis Thomson and FireSmart reminding us that we should all give a bit of thought to the fires around us and the fact that we may be asked to leave at a moment’s notice.  

If you were asked to evacuate, please comment on your experience.  Were you prepared? Did you forget anything? …Patti

Deb and I spent Friday gathering information and making a list of what is missing in our case and not totally understanding our insurances.

The following action plan can be found on our website under the FireSmart tab:  https://anarchistmountaincommunitysociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/what-to-do-when.pdf

Also attached is a Fire Evacuation Checklist. Each household needs to design their own based on needs. The internet contains numerous lists based on individual requirements, this is just an example.


Denis & Deb watched a home burn in Washington on Thursday from Caribou.  Here’s a photo from his phone.
